It has been a busy couple months! We are so excited to finally be settled into our new house! This was our 7th move since we have been married! We are so happy to be able to be in our very own house! No more moving for us! (at least for several years!)
A while back before we moved into the new house, I found this chest at a garage sale for $15! It has been on my to do list for a while and I finally get to cross it off! I have been looking for a toy chest forever! I was so excited when I found it! I can't stand toys all over my house! I try to keep all their toys upstairs in their rooms, but they seem to always trickle down to the family room. Now I have a place for toys in my family room! No more stuffing them in a corner!
(It never fails! I always start painting before I take a before picture!)